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2- Simple display stands specific to one product

Revell  used specific supports for all its « scale=size of the box » kits . Here a sample of the style , included in the B36 in  1/183
Elevation (depends on subjects , mostly around 7 cm)

Another example from Revell , this time the 1/65 X-15 . Note the base is on the same tree as are the wheels of the aircraft

A very complex display stand used on MPC Star Wars X-wing (1/48 scale version). Most SF kits (except Aurora's). Have got specific display stands
Elevation : 10 cm

Italaerei standardized the style of their display stands but not their tooling : here the stand shares its tooling with the canopy of the LA5-FN . Elévation : 5 cm

Like the Cessna 310 pictured here , a few Aurora kits do not have the standard Aurora display stand . Why ? Because they are tooling bought from Comet