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4- Multi-aircraft and Modular display stands

Airfix introduced these A-base display stands for its « dogfight » series . The A base was also used for a standard display stand used with larger kits..
Elévation : 5 cm

Frog  also used « two-aircraft » display stands for its « combat » series but here the originality is that this double display stand is specific to the kit  « Spitfire XIV with V1 »

MPC introduced the modular display stand concept.

Monogram and Revell (Revell pictured) used multiple stands for this kind of « aerial dioramas » like this diamond display of the Thunderbirds Team.

Not really politically correct , this « Twelve O'clock high » tie-in diorama by Aurora is the only exemple we know of the stand actually participating in the action. Note that in a nod to realism , bombs fall away from the target !

An original idea by AMT-Ertl in 1998 : a pre-cut plexiglass disc with slots to put the models in . First used on Sci-Fi models it was later used for aerobatic diplay teams.